February 16, 2024
Our Commitment To Making A Positive Impact Beyond The Business World
We believe in giving back to the communities that have supported ELYON on our entrepreneurship journey. We launched and supported several community outreach programs and initiatives to promote education, sustainability, and diverse business development. We are committed to making a positive impact beyond the business world.
- Women in Cloud (WIC) has been a participant sponsor of several community-led economic development events.Women in Cloud is a community-led economic development organization taking collective action to generate $1B in new net economic access for women entrepreneurs and professionals by 2030 through global partnerships with corporations, community leaders, and policy makers. All of which are united by the ESG and UN Sustainable Development Goals that are driven by job creation, diversity and inclusion, technology innovation and sustainability, giving women a powerful platform to accelerate as industry leaders.
- Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber in Oregon and SW Washington with a scholarship for a Latino student choosing STEM as a career field
- Northwest Minority Mountain Supplier Development Council Scholarship Fund – Bronze Sponsor
- Miss Clark County Scholarship Organization. A scholarship for young women. Congratulations to our new titleholders! Kerrianne Kimbrell, Miss Clark County’s Teen; Adriana Fachiol, Miss Clark County; Kailey Herren, Miss Greater Vancouver; Adrionna McClellan, Miss Greater Vancouver’s Teen.